Hi, a few years ago i broke my computers screen so i had to go get it fixed, but when it came back i didnt have access to wifi (neither my home wifi or wifi close by it just showed there wasnt anyting on the wifi thing) but my brother fixed it by updating the graphic board. It sometimes would go out but all i needed to do was to install the drivers and everything would be fine. Few days ago i was on call with my brother to get some space on my laptop cause i wanted to play csgo2 but didnt have space, all we deleted was some temp files and fall guys that i didnt know was still instaled. When i open csgo2 i was checking my settings and the wifi goes out again. This happened like 5 times while we were trying to fix it but nothing worked, my brother who understands computers tried everything and nothing worked. I thought this would only happen on csgo2 but i was wrong, bc every other game now causes the wifi to go out and now i cant play anything at all. I was wondering if this ever happened to anyone. I think that when they fixed my screed they accidently messed with the wifi board but i dont know why is so much worse to the point i cant even play valorant, which i have been playing this whole time. Please, if anyone knows whats wrong pls give some advice i would appreciate it a lot. I bought a new wifi board and my brother will replace it but it will take some time since im in uni and he is to. Please any support!!