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My computer keeps freezing

HP Laptop 15s-fq4008np (590L9EA)
Microsoft Windows 11

Hello. I have had a problem with my computer for a long time and I still haven't been able to solve it. The problem is this: my computer sometimes crashes randomly (that is, this can happen either once a day or 10 times a day). I've already been able to see some things when this happens, for example, sometimes my computer becomes quite slow, I can open the task manager and see that SysInfoCap is taking up 100% of memory and the computer freezes and if left frozen for some Time it goes to blue screen with the error: MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION. Other times, it happens spontaneously, where System occupies 100% of the disk and then the screen goes off. blue too, and then restarts and the error appears: Boot Device not Found Hard Disk - (3F0), which I resolve by holding the on/off button for a few seconds and turning it on again. I also noticed that on both occasions the light on the side of my notebook stops blinking, which I don't know what it is, but it appears to be related to the hard drive, as there is an image next to it of 3 disks compiled one on top of the other. It has happened to me that other error messages appear such as "The CMOS Checksum is invalid" and "Battery Counterfeit Check Error", but these rarely appear and I also believe it is another problem but not the main one. I have already carried out several diagnostics in "HP PC Hardware Diagnostic Windows" and "UEFI (I think that's how it is spelled)" but all of them did not detect any problem. I've also looked for corrupted files with the sfc /scannow command but nothing. I would be grateful if you could help me resolve this problem which has been going on for a long time and I am available to provide further information if necessary.

These are some images before the computer crashesThese are some images before the computer crashesSystem uses almost all of the diskSystem uses almost all of the diskSysInfoCap uses all available memorySysInfoCap uses all available memory

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My computer keeps freezing

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